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Male and female support workers smiling

Our Story

Disability support that creates belonging and brotherhood

support worker in Brisbane and Moreton Bay

Meet our founder,
Max Gow

Sport was my life. But after decades of playing team sport – and the mateship, community and brotherhood it brings, injury took me out of action.

Everything I lived for disappeared.

As I recuperated, I realised the power of community and having people around to lean on and keep you going.

Max talks about our 'why'

We know men need men

To turn to, lean on and to have a positive male influence who understands you.

As certified disability support workers, we offer healthy male role models and a culture of belonging that helps you be your best – whatever your disability.


What our families say about being supported by Brothers 

Mom and her sons on the beach during Brothers Support Network event in Brisbane



A dedicated team of Brothers has slowly brought my younger son out of his shell and he is experiencing mental wellness after a mental health breakdown. Brothers’ have linked us to housing and found my adult son a room after failed attempts to gain access to SILS and ILO.

We are Changing Lives for the Better 

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